96 results
In the late 1800’s Brooklyn was one of the largest brewing centers in the States, home to more than...
/en/carlsberg-brewery-hong-kong-limited-product-portfolio/brooklyn-brewery/brooklyn-lager/Defend Beer with Brooklyn Defender IPA, our heroically hopped golden IPA featuring strong notes of...
/en/carlsberg-brewery-hong-kong-limited-product-portfolio/brooklyn-brewery/brooklyn-defender-ipa/The inspiration of adding a 4th variety of hop led to the creation of this excellent pale lager. 4...
/en/carlsberg-brewery-hong-kong-limited-product-portfolio/birrificio-angelo-poretti/birrificio-angelo-poretti-4-luppoli-originale/Jolly Shandy is a unique carbonated soft drink with 0.6% alcohol and vitamin C. With a refreshing...